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CopyTrade Tickmill – Ranking Strategies Focus on Consistency

CopyTrade Tickmill – Ranking Forex Strategies Focus on Consistency

The vast majority of trades lose money (on average from 70 to 90%) consistent strategies (with more than a year) are the best strategies to be copied, but not only that, at the level of risk, the minimum value for activation are relevant criteria as well, we have selected some strategies that are available for more than 1 year with consistent history, See:

TwoBirds Strategy

  • Total review score: 42.6
  • Negative Months: 4
  • Minimum Investment: $3000

FortunaMax Tcm Strategy

  • Total review score: 19.9 *
  • Negative Months: 1
  • Minimum Investment: $500 USD

Other relevant strategies

General list of strategies
